What Are Same-Day Dental Implants and Are They Right for You?

Dental implants can rescue your fading looks by offering not only the aesthetics but also the stability and health of your teeth. It can be affixed on the same day with less formalities making things more clearer. Therefore one can revive their lost tooth and fortunes by opting for same day dental implants procedure. In our previous blog, we have explained the 5 tips to choose the right dentist for dental implants in Pasadena. Read on to discover about them in detail from below. In the dental world, same-day dental implants are very common. Having said that, now let's see what same-day dental implants are all about and if they are safe indeed?
How Does Dental Implants Function?
For the same-day dental implants procedure, the jaw, and gums need time to heal. So, the dentists will not place the implant until the mouth heals. Fortunately, the dentist will provide temporary teeth on the same day you opt for a dental implant and replace them with permanent ones at the right time.
Same-Day Dental Implants in Pasadena:
All thanks to today's technology and innovation, same-day dental implants are a possibility. Same-day dental implants have made life very easy especially in today's no-time world. And also this treatment is affordable. In the normal traditional procedure of dental implants, a dentist in Pasadena takes weeks or months to complete the whole process. Same day dental implants help save time, money and energy.
3 Types of Same-Day Dental Implants in Pasadena:
- Immediate load implants (ILIs)
- Mini dental implants (MDIs)
- All-on-4 dental implants
Procedure of Same Day Dental Implants in Pasadena:
The procedure of the same day dental implant happens in just three steps. Consultation, surgery, and a follow-up. A super-fast procedure, the same day dental implants in Pasadena are affixed on the same day.
Pros of Same-Day Dental Implants in Pasadena:
The same-day dental implants have a lot of advantages. This includes factors such as:
- Patients do not leave the dental office without their teeth.
- The implant is fixed to the bone.
- The healing of the soft gum tissue is faster.
- The socket is free from extraction.
- Increases one's confidence.
- Easy and a painless procedure.
- Less waiting hours.
- A good smile on the same day.
Suitable Patients:
Like most procedures, in a dental office in Pasadena, not every person would be advised to go for same-day dental implants. A non-smoker and a healthy person will come under the category of suitable candidates.
Unsuitable Patients for Same Day Dental Implant Procedure:
People suffering from gum disease, bad oral health, chronic disease, bruxism, and autoimmune disease do not qualify.
Which Is the Best Dental Office in Pasadena?
If you feel that same-day dental Implants are an ideal solution for you, then look for the best 'dental office in Pasadena' or 'dentist near me Pasadena' on google. The results for the best 'dental office near me Pasadena' will bring up the name of CAL DENTAL USA will appear right on top in the search results. Dr. Sean Sunyoto and his excellent team at CAL DENTAL USA offer the best dental implants, orthodontics, teeth whitening, endodontics, invisalign, dental crowns and bridges, and dental fillings treatments. Browse through our website of CAL DENTAL USA to discover more about our same day dental implant service. Call us at (626) 584-1800 to arrange for an appointment right away.